Thursday, September 27, 2007

Fucking Michael Moore is On Oprah Today

Fucking lame -ass Michael Moore is to appear tonight on lame-ass Oprah's show. I almost wanna watch it to see it implode. I have a feeling that Michael Moore will "take a stand" and Oprah will decide whether or not to agree based on the audience reaction. *sigh*

We use to play this game when I worked at the bookstore, called "guess what that person is gonna buy" ! I could always pick out the Michael Moore fans...ack. It was either "Zen & the art of Motorcycle Maintenance" or fucking Michael Moore. They were always new-age hippies. You never saw anyone but mid twenties college students buy his books and I'd like to think that most college students abstain from that kind of sensationalism. Distortion of facts with editing yadda yadda, he's a god damn journalist. Why are we suppose to trust him so much? Why? Because of Roger & Me? Because he uses humour to gain our friendship? to con us into believing whatever?? SO that he can over-simplify National problems? But my really problem with people like Michael Moore is that they offer no solutions. He pulls out a camera, catches people off-guard, makes them look like idiots. He throws his hands in the air playing the blame game and screaming about a fucking fire and offers no water to put it out and I think that why I really, hate, Michael Moore.

Oh yeah and Oprahs just fucking annoying and should stop getting rich by exploiting peoples "sad" stories and having fucking celebrities on her god damn shows. How pathetic are we people?! Do we really need to see John Travolta dance one more time? bah.

1 comment:

Sunshine Morningstar said...

I agree with you about Michael Moore for the most part, though I have enjoyed parts of his movies. I like the humour and I really like how things are simplified. I know all the big issues are not simple in the slightest, but I always need things summed up in very succinct ways so my brain can grasp it...then I can move on to the details and complexities.

But I also hate how he puts cameras into people's faces unprepared. In Bowling for Columbine, I HATED that interview he did with Charlton Heston, asking about his involvement with the NRA and all that stuff. For crying out loud, the man is over 80 and he is suffering from a form of dementia! To surprise him in a confrontational interview about gun control isn't going to have the desired effect. Except for that the desired effect is to embarrass and yeah I guess it did work.

Charlton Heston is no more responsible for the violence in America than Marilyn Manson is.

I'm very conflicted about Michael Moore...On the one hand, I respect what he's trying to do (and I loved his acceptance speech at the Oscars that one year) but on the other hand, he can be a very irresponsible journalist.